Wednesday, October 2, 2013

United States Government Shut's Down ?

United States Government SHUTS DOWN?

Let me speak my mind of the implications of this disaster first.
The above mentioned is now going on as of this morning, tomorrow brings yet a whole other directive of problems that need addressed. Yet there is something that continues to chap my ass about this situation we find our GOVERNMENT in and that is this.
We send Trillions and Billions of "TAX PAYER" dollars out of this country to "HELP" support other countries , that not only can not stand the "FREEDOMS" we Americans hold, but they "HATE" us as American citizens as well for that very "FREEDOM" we have.
They spit on our veteran's as they try to up keep "PEACE" in their country. They hold attitudes towards our travelers, and throw foul remarks and other comments our way as we travel about their country. Yet here we are with so called "OUT REACH PROGRAMS" and "FORGEIN AID" that supposedly "HELP", those very countries that lamb baste us as the FREE AMERICANS we are. 
What I would think, and that's just little ole me speaking "JOE PUBLIC", is that we'd concern ourselves as a "GOVERNMENT", to protect our "FREEDOMS" we have here first.
Rather than shoveling Trillions and Billions of "TAX PAYER" dollars abroad to those very same countries entities mentioned above, and keep our National System of Government funded on a constant basis rather then provide those countries with anymore of our "TAX PAYER" dollars that get shoveled there in order to support  "UNITED NATIONS" sponsored "HELP" programs, that are costing our,
 "UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT" those very Trillions and Billions mentioned above.
It sickens me that I would have to draft such a letter at my age, and I'm sure to positive that there are others out there with Identical thoughts, who for one reason or another, just don't have the balls to step up and write this very letter.
Recently, it was brought to my attention when the Syrian Government Gassed it's people there, yes folk's they used "TOXIC GAS" to Kill their own citizens there, and we shipped $585 Billion dollars there to "PROTECT" our interest in an oil shipping lane, that helps us gain access to a water way, so that we can ship oil through it.
This is just a small amount of the idiocy that our "UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT" pulls off every year,  so that our "UNTIED STATES GOVERNMENT", can look like protectors of our Countries so called, "INTERESTS" in foreign countries scattered around the globe. Also known as "FOREIGN AID". Excuse me here folk's, but this is about to get very real, very fast, and it may be time to exempt us and our "UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT" from those very positions on that very same mentioned "FOREIGN AID" campaigns. As I just don't, and refuse too, see the benefits of those, so called programs when we need help here at "HOME" on our "SOIL" and it should remain in effect that we take care of "AMERICANS" first, in order to preserve our ways of life on our "SOIL". Rather than delve out "TRILLIONS AND BILLIONS" of "TAX PAYER" dollars, in order to support other countries problematic functioning's. I refuse to see the benefits behind supporting these programs any further, as I don't see any other countries stepping up to give old "UNCLE SAM", funding to keep us up and running, so ya call me greedy, that is far less worse then what I've been called when visiting on other countries soil, the very same countries that get current, "FOREIGN AID " from us.
As I see it, the very first thing that our "UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT" should of shut down, was the "UNITED NATIONS BUILDING". To let other countries know it's time to step up, and support yourselves, rather than wait on United States "TAX PAYERS" to bail out all your bullshit "FOREIGN AID" programs, that are so supposedly important to us,  the United States "TAX PAYER". Which they are not! 
In fact, if those that are represented at the United Nations would go in chaotic offense of the "UNTIED STATES GOVERNMENT" shutting the open check book that those people have had for many years now , would up rise against us, why I would go as far as to ask them all to leave, and re-locate to say somewhere like "FRANCE", or perhaps even the "U.A.E", for those that don't know those initials, that's the "UNITED ARAB EMRITS". This too would be a great place for the UNITED NATIONS TO BE MOVED TOO AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED.
I'll close this with a simple wishful thought of this. That is, lets pull together to step up pressure on our "UNTIED STATES GOVERNMENT", to make laws that include constant and supportive funding of our "GOVERNMENT FIRST" initiative, that would keep constant funding into "OUR UNITED STATES SPONSORED  PROGRAMS" so that our "FREEDOMS" as "AMERICAN CITIZENS" come first, and what's left after that fact, then to be put into Foreign Aid programs.
Lets keep "AMERICA" open for business yes, but close the business of bailing out other countries that can care less about us, and start the pay-outs at and on our "HOME SOIL".
 It is as I said previously shameful, that I would have to write such a letter to our own Government , to let them know that "JOE PUBLIC" is sickened by these closures, and yet Trillions and Billions of our "TAX PAYER"dollars leave this soil to support other countries interests. 
"STOP THE MADNESS" & "STOP THE HANDOUTS" , lets keep our money here first!
Thank you for your time, and I appreciate and value your opinions to this very letter, which is going to be forwarded to all government officials here on the "UNITED STATES" SOIL, FIRST.
JOE PUBLIC, A.K.A, Mr. Philip Dresko Sr. (Orlando, Florida)

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