Monday, October 7, 2013

Day 7 Harry Reid's Shut down! ( You've got to see this!)

Harry Reid's Shutdown: Day 7


Here we are on Day 7 of Harry Reid's shutdown and there's still no sign of compromise coming from the Senate or the White House.

The media, the ruling elite, the Senate, and the President are doing all they can to blame this mess on us, but all we wanted was them to think twice about forcing a law that isn't ready on the American people. All we wanted was the American people to be treated equally under the law as the ones who forced this on us. And now all they can say is that we are anarchists, arsonists, holding the economy hostage, holding a gun to the heads of the American people.

It's time for this nonsense to stop. The President a few years ago called for a new age of civility. These statements made by the President, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi fall far from that cry for civility and they should be ashamed of themselves.

A year ago you were fed a narrative that the Tea Party was inconsequential. Today, we are so powerful that according to the President and the Democrats in Washington, we have shutdown the federal government. Which one is it?

The truth is, the power of the Tea Party comes from everyday voices like you. This is the epitome of how our system of government was supposed to work. The vast majority of power was to be held by the people. Today, you have proven time and time again your willingness to exercise that power. Every phone call you make to an elected official, every email you send, every Tweet or Facebook post that involves you expressing your concerns with our government, that is what gives the Tea Party power. It is because of YOU!

Today, we need to exert some more of that power. The Democrats seem content on letting the government remain closed all because they are unwilling to compromise on Obamacare, a law that the American people have never wanted.

Call, Tweet, and post messages on the Facebook of these Democrats below and tell them to stop playing games. It's time for them to listen to the American people and defund Obamacare.

State Senator Phone Twitter Facebook
AK Mark Begich (202) 224-3004@SenatorBegichFacebook
AR Mark Pryor (202) 224-2353@SenMarkPryorFacebook
LA Mary Landrieu (202) 224-5824@SenLandrieuFacebook
NM Tom Udall (202) 224-6621@SenatorTomUdallFacebook
NC Kay Hagan (202) 224-6342@SenatorHaganFacebook
VA Mark Warner (202) 224-2023@MarkWarnerFacebook
CO Mark Udall (202) 224-5941@MarkUdallFacebook
IL Dick Durbin (202) 224-2152@SenatorDurbinFacebook
MN Al Franken (202) 224-5641@alfrankenFacebook
MO Claire McCaskill (202) 224-6154@clairecmcFacebook
NY Chuck Schumer (202) 224-6542@ChuckSchumerFacebook
NY Kirsten Gillibrand (202) 224-4451@SenGillibrandFacebook
OH Sherrod Brown (202) 224-2315@SenSherrodBrownFacebook
OR Jeff Merkley (202) 224-3753@SenJeffMerkleyFacebook
WI Tammy Baldwin (202) 224-5653@tammybaldwinFacebook
DE Chris Coons (202) 224-5042@ChrisCoonsFacebook


Time Line of Continuing Resolution Debate:
Friday, 10/4/13 – The House of Representatives passed bills to fund FEMA and Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children.
Result: House Republicans were willing to fund non-controversial parts of the government.

Friday, 10/4/13 – Senate Democrats reject a Unanimous Consent request from Senator Ted Cruz to take up the bills that the House passed to fund our National Guard, Military Reserve, and Veterans Affairs.
Result: Senate Democrats refused to work with House Republicans to fund the government in places that they should agree.

Thursday, 10/3/13 – The House of Representatives passed bills to fund our National Guard, Military Reserve, and Veteran’s Affairs.
Result: House Republicans were willing to fund non-controversial parts of the government.

Wednesday, 10/2/13 – Senate Democrats were still unwilling to work with House Republicans.

Wednesday, 10/2/13 – The House of Representatives passed bills to fund National Parks and Museums, DC Operations, and National Institutes of Health.
Result: House Republicans were willing to fund non-controversial parts of the government.

Tuesday, 10/1/13 - House of Representatives moves to start passing single authorization appropriation bills that need 2/3rds majority in the House for passage.
Result: House Democrats refuse to compromise on paying Veterans Assistance, National Park Service, and Washington, DC Operations.

Tuesday, 10/1/13 - The Senate votes to table the House's request for a conference to resolve differences.
Result: Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats refused to compromise. 

Tuesday, 10/1/13 - Midnight - No deal is reached and a temporary shutdown begins.

Monday, 9/30/13 - The House appointed conferees and sent a message to the Senate requesting a conference meeting to resolve their differences.
Result: House Republicans were still willing to compromise and reach a solution.

Monday, 9/30/13 - The Senate voted to table the House passed continuing resolution.
Result: Harry Reid and Senate Democrats refused to compromise.

Monday, 9/30/13 - The House of Representatives responded by adding language to the Continuing Resolution to delay the individual mandate for a year and to take away the health care subsidies Members of Congress and their staffs received from the Office of Personnel Management ruling earlier this year.
Result: House Republicans compromised away from delaying Obamacare for one year to delaying the individual mandate for a year and requiring that Congress live under Obamacare just like the rest of the American people.

Monday, 9/30/13 - The Senate stripped the two amendments from the House passed Continuing Resolution and sent it back to the House.
Result: Harry Reid and Senate Democrats refused to compromise one inch on Obamacare.

Saturday, 9/28/13 - The House of Representatives added two amendments to the Senate revised Continuing Resolution to delay Obamacare for one year (far from what we were originally willing to agree to) and repeal the medical device tax.
Result: House Republicans compromised away from defunding to delaying Obamacare for one year.

Friday, 9/27/13 - The Senate stripped the defunding language out of the House passed Continuing Resolution and sent it back to the House.
Result: Harry Reid and Senate Democrats refused to compromise.

Friday, 9/20/13 - The House of Representatives passed a Continuing Resolution that would fully fund the government (including things that Republicans don't like) while at the same time defunding Obamacare.
Result: House Republicans compromised on spending that they would like to see cut in exchange for defunding Obamacare.

-Tea Party Patriots National Support Team

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