FROM Eugene Delgaudio TO You
Dear Philip,
While most of the nation focuses on the shutdown of the federal government, the brave members of America's armed forces continue to answer the call of duty. Meanwhile, President Obama is shamefully using the partial government shutdown as an excuse to once again attack the First Amendment religious liberties of our military men and women. The Obama administration has forbidden contracted Christian military chaplains from voluntarily performing mass, worship, baptisms, and other religious practices on base during the government's partial shutdown. They've even gone so far as to threaten the chaplains with arrest! Philip, I am beyond repulsed by the arrogance and self-importance of this president -- placing self-serving political goals above the sacred religious liberties of our troops. My heart goes out to our brave soldiers, who sacrifice every day to protect our nation from its enemies both at home and overseas. And Public Advocate is not letting the partial government shutdown stop our regular visits to Capitol Hill and our delivery of petitions to Senate and House offices. So I hope you'll read my message below and sign your petition to demand Congress do all they can do to protect religious liberties in America. For the Family, ![]() HON. EUGENE DELGAUDIO President, Public Advocate of the United States
From: Eugene Delgaudio []
To: Philip Dresko [] Subject: The death of religious liberty? ![]() “Knock, knock.” You look out your window and standing at your front door are a dozen police officers there to handcuff you and whisk you off to jail. Your crime? You host daily prayer meetings with friends and family members at your home. And for not seeking government "permission," you're sentenced to 60 days in jail, given three years' probation and face over $12,000 in fines. A nightmare for God-fearing folks like you and me, the scenario I just described to you already happened to a Christian pastor in Phoenix, Arizona. Michael Salman, a committed husband and a father of six, had his home raided by 12 police officers and was taken to jail for hosting daily prayer meetings without first asking the government for "permission." This is quickly becoming the reality for EVERY Christian-based business, church, private school and non-profit organization in the country. Christians will be intimidated into silence -- our places of worship left to decay in the ravages of time while the morality of our society crumbles along with them. Which is why Public Advocate is fighting the radical anti-religious progressives and their agenda at every turn. Right now, I am engaged in a heated nationwide fight against the freedom-crushing Gay Bill of Special Rights that is currently speeding through Congress. And Public Advocate is igniting a grassroots backlash against its supporters in Congress to halt the bill in its tracks. That’s why it’s critical you sign the “Protect Religious Liberty” Directive and support Public Advocate's important grassroots campaigns. I’ll give you the link to sign the Directive and contribute in just a moment, but first let me explain the secular Left’s all-out assault on Religious Liberty in America. Make no mistake, the ultimate goal of the radical Left is a secular America where Religious Liberty no longer exists. And any business owner or organization that operates on Christian values will be told to SHUT UP, FALL IN LINE -- or else. Operate a private school and refuse to indoctrinate children with homosexual, left-wing propaganda? Run a foster care and adoption service and refuse to place children with same-sex “couples?” Open a faith-based healthcare clinic and refuse to give out abortion-inducing drugs or contraceptives? If the secular Left gets their way, any one of these scenarios would be grounds for forcing you to close your doors and shut down your business. That’s why your financial support for Public Advocate efforts to halt the attacks on our Religious Liberties is so very important. Will you stand up and fight for our traditional American values by signing your “Protect Religious Liberty” Directive IMMEDIATELY by clicking here? And will you step up your support for Public Advocate by chipping in $10 today? ![]() The really bad news is it’s already taking place in cities and states all across the country. Take the story of New Mexico wedding photographer Elaine Huguenin. Huguenin, a photographer who operated a Christian-based business, was fined $7,000 by the New Mexico Human Rights Commission for refusing to photograph a homosexual "wedding" because it violated her religious beliefs. And now, the New Mexico Supreme Court has ruled that privately-owned business cannot refuse homosexual couples and are legally obligated to serve their every whim. Unfortunately, this isn't an isolated incident. There’s stories of wedding cake bakers, T-shirt makers, bed and breakfast owners, pastry shop owners, restaurant owners, schools, churches, and religious institutions being threatened by radical Left-Wing activists and government bureaucrats to be shut down all because they run a Christian-based business or organization. If you agree that it’s critical you and I stand up and defend our Religious Liberty, please click here to sign your “Protect Religious Liberty” Directive. And after you sign, please chip in $10 or $20 to help Public Advocate defend our freedoms from attacks in the courts and anti-religious radicals. Of course, the secular Left loves to hide behind innocent-sounding words and phrases like “equality,” “fairness,” and ”equal rights.” But you and I both know their real agenda is much deeper and darker, and it has nothing to do with “acceptance” of their perverse “lifestyle.” Instead, their ultimate goal is to DESTROY Religious Liberty and outright BAN the free exercise of our Christian faith as individuals. And this goes far beyond just forcing you and I to “accept” their Left-Wing view of “marriage.” In fact, homosexual “marriage” is just one part of their broader conspiracy to gut our right to express our faith freely. The truth is, radical Leftists flat-out HATE the traditional Christian values that made America the freest, most prosperous nation in the world. That’s why signing your “Protect Religious Liberty” Directive is so critical. ![]() My hope is to generate a FLOOD of Directives from good folks like you all over the country to help me prove to members of Congress that they vote for the radical Leftists’ attempt to DESTROY our Religious Liberty at their own peril. I’ve been in politics long enough to know that’s the one way to send a message in Washington, D.C. -- make DEAD sure politicians understand their re-elections are at stake. To send that message loud and clear, I’m going to have to ramp up all of Public Advocate’s efforts. In the next few weeks, my hope is to contact up to eight million Americans nationwide via mail and email, working the blogs and the talk radio lines, writing op-eds, and running hard-hitting newspaper, radio, internet and TV ads. You and I both know many God-fearing, decent Americans who just don’t understand the stakes. And if you and I don’t alert the majority of Americans who believe in religious liberty to the dangerous threat we face, it’s good folks like you and me who are going to pay the price for their agenda with our freedom! So please -- in addition to your signed Directive -- I must ask you to chip in $10 or $20 TODAY to help me FIGHT BACK against the Radical Leftists’ onslaught. Whatever you can do, it will make a tremendous difference. I believe you and I do have the numbers to beat back the Left-Wing attempts to DESTROY Religious Liberty and force their perverse Left-Wing values on every man, woman and child in America -- if we can mobilize in time. But that depends on you. So please sign your “Protect Religious Liberty” Directive, and chip in $10, $20, or more today. Please don’t lay this letter aside. Don’t tell yourself “I’ll just get to it later.” Please act at once to protect Religious Liberty! For the Family, ![]() HON. EUGENE DELGAUDIO President, Public Advocate of the United States
P.S. The radical Left is going all out to SHUT me and you up, DESTROY Religious Liberty and hand left-wing social engineers the power to force this perverse “lifestyle” on every man, woman and child in America.
And with President Obama in the White House, Democrats dominating the Senate, and the GOP House getting steamrolled at every turn, I’m afraid they may just succeed. That’s why it’s critical you sign your "Protect Religious Liberty" Directive, and chip in $10, $20, or more today. ![]()
Contributions or gifts to Public Advocate of the U.S. are not tax deductible. Public Advocate is a nonprofit organization that fights the radical agenda of the Homosexual Lobby. Public Advocate receives no government funds. You may reach us at: Public Advocate, P.O. Box 1360, Merrifield, VA 22116; phone (703) 845-1808
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