Rand Paul for Senate 2016

Dear Philip,

President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid shut down the government rather than budge one inch on the ObamaCare train wreck.

Their scheme to "win" the shutdown battle is to inflict pain on Americans by barricading war memorials and national parks.

In fact, the administration sent more security guards to block access to the World War II Memorial than they did to guard our consulate in Benghazi!

And while the Republican House has passed bills to pay our veterans and reopen our war memorials and national parks, Senator Reid has blocked every single one of them from coming up for a vote.

Philip, I'm outraged that President Obama and Senator Reid are employing a strategy of pain for the price of victory in their fight to impose ObamaCare no questions asked.

I need your help to send a clear message to the House of Representatives that you are demanding Congress not cave-in to President Obama and Senator Reid's demands for 100% funding for ObamaCare.

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That's why I need your help right away to turn up the heat on your representative to stand strong in the fight to defund ObamaCare.

Opponents of ObamaCare must try to stop having it both ways – and stop being afraid of their own shadows.

Instead of trying to appear like they’re fighting, why don’t they actually fight?

If you agree, won’t you please sign your NO FUNDING FOR OBAMACARE Petition IMMEDIATELY?

Click to sign

With public outrage building against ObamaCare, now is the time you and I CAN force change.

Calls for delay or outright repeal of this law are coming from places you’d never expect – including from organized labor.

The Washington Post reported not long ago that even two-thirds of Democrats believe ObamaCare is all cost and no benefit.

85% of independents agree.

In fact, over the past few weeks - just as I've predicted - more and more mainstream news outlets are saying "ObamaCare is a prescription for a Democratic headache in 2014."

So in the face of numbers like these, will Congress continue to carry water for this failed policy?

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of seeing politicians roll over for President Obama’s job-killing agenda.

The American public's overwhelming opposition to ObamaCare hasn't changed in the three years since President Obama twisted arms and Senate rules to RAM his healthcare takeover into law.

I'm committed to fighting until the day ObamaCare is taken off the books.

I'm confident - with your help - that's a day we can soon realize.

But you and I must prove that we're DEAD serious about winning this fight.

And that means sending a loud and clear signal to my colleagues in Congress to stand strong against President Obama and Senator Reid's demands to fund ObamaCare 100%.

So won't you please stand with me by signing your No Funding for ObamaCare petition TODAY?

Click to sign

I hope you will.

And if you can, please agree to a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, or $35.

If that is too much, please chip in a contribution of $25 or $10.

Your generosity will help me turn the American people's overwhelming opposition to ObamaCare into an overwhelming political FORCE Washington, D.C. can't ignore.

Through petitions, phone calls, emails, and more, you and I can put enough grassroots pressure on Congress to force my colleagues to take up the fight to defund ObamaCare.

But I'm counting on you to take action IMMEDIATELY.

So please sign your NO FUNDING FOR OBAMACARE Petition.

And if you can, please agree to a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50,  or $35 – or even $10 or $20 – TODAY.

In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul

P.S. President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid shut down the federal government rather than budge one inch on the ObamaCare train wreck.

I need your help to send a clear message to Congress to stand strong against President Obama and Senator Reid's demands for 100% ObamaCare funding right away!

With the Republican Controlled House of Representatives scheduled to vote on a continuing resolution that defunds ObamaCare, I hope I can count on you to take action right away.

So won't you please stand with me by signing your NO FUNDING FOR OBAMACARE Petition IMMEDIATELY and agree to your most generous contribution of $250, $150, $50,  or $35.

If that is too much for you to afford, please chip in a contribution of $25 or $10 at once.

Click to sign