Tuesday, October 8, 2013

This needs everyone's attention Today OCT.8th by 7:00pm EST>

Two Action Items - Congress and Three Surveys


We need your opinion!
We need this feedback by 7PM eastern tomorrow, October 8th to personalize our narrative on current issues.

There are three short surveys that need your attention. They focus on Obamacare's health care exchange websites, local impact of the Government Shutdown, and quality of communications with Senate and House offices over the shutdown.

The first survey covers Obamacare's Health Care Exchange websites, and any information you can gather on them. Take the Exchange survey HERE.

The second survey covers local impact from the shutdown. Take the shutdown impact survey HERE.

The third survey covers the quality of communication with Congressional offices concerning the shutdown. Take the Congressional interaction survey HERE.

With things moving so quickly, we don’t have much time to spare, which is why we need your feedback within the next 21 hours – no later than 7PM, Tuesday, October 8.

Congress needs to hear from you!
There are several Democrat Senators that need to hear from you. It's time for the Democratic-Controlled Senate to reopen the federal government, start compromising, and stop spending our money on Obamacare. There's also a few Republican Representatives that need to hear a "thank you" and a continued call to hold strong. You can use the list below to focus your efforts; don't forget to engage them on Facebook and Twitter as well!

Demand Democrat Senators re-open the government, start compromising, and stop spending our tax money on Obamacare.
Alaska Senator Mark Begich (202) 224-3004 @SenatorBegich
Arkansas Senator Mark Pryor (202) 224-2353 @SenMarkPryor
Delaware Senator Chris Coons (202) 224-5042 @ChrisCoons
Illinois Senator Dick Durbin (202) 224-2152 @SenatorDurbin
Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu (202) 224-5824 @SenLandrieu
Minnesota Senator Al Franken (202) 224-5641 @alfranken
Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill (202) 224-6154 @clairecmc
New Mexico Senator Tom Udall (202) 224-6621 @SenatorTomUdall
New York Senator Chuck Schumer (202) 224-6542 @ChuckSchumer
New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (202) 224-4451 @SenGillibrand
North Carolina Senator Kay Hagan (202) 224-6342 @SenatorHagan
Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown (202) 224-2315 @SenSherrodBrown
Virginia Senator Mark Warner (202) 224-2023 @MarkWarner
Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin (202) 224-5653 @tammybaldwin

Thank these Republican Congressmen for standing strong and tell them to continue to fight to defund Obamacare.
California-10 Congressman Jeff Denham 202-225-4540 @RepJeffDenham
Colorado-06 Congressman Mike Coffman 202-225-7882 @repmikecoffman
Florida-02 Congressman Steve Southerland 202-225-5235 @Rep_Southerland
Illinois-13 Congressman Rodney Davis 202-225-2371 @RodneyDavis
Indiana-02 Congressman Jackie Walorski 202-225-3915 @RepWalorski
Kentucky-06 Congressman Andy Barr 202-225-4706 @RepAndyBarr
Minnesota-03 Congressman Erik Paulsen 202-225-2871 @RepErikPaulsen
New York-23 Congressman Tom Reed 202-225-3161 @RepTomReed
Ohio-14 Congressman Dave Joyce 202-225-5731 @RepDaveJoyce
Washington-8 Congressman Dave Reichert 202-225-7761 @davereichert

Thank you!
Jenny Beth Martin and National Support Team

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