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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

"GREAT DEBATE" that's Debatable?

"GREAT DEBATE" that's Debatable?

Now I didn't want to open the door to politics on my blog, but after a few correspondents I've both exchanged and received replies too, I feel I must chime in already. I will not get up on my soap box and offer any off the wall comments about what I think of this party or that party, but I will go as far as to say, that last nights debate between Romney and Obama, was simply a bunch of over stated posturing, finger pointing, and grandstanding beyond belief.
 The fact that they let that dog and pony show even air was total BS. I'm hoping that most true "AMERICANS" saw through that horse crap such as I did last night, the facts are still the facts, we have one standing up saying I can change this, and we have one who said he'd change it four freaking years ago, but needs another four years to right the ship, this coming from someone who can't even approve a budget and has to keep re-signing the current budget so as to not raise the debt ceiling any higher, and look like even bigger a Jack-ass then he already does. Oh, but wait, isn't that their party sign? On the topic of budgets, I have a direct response from Senator Marko Rubio, he says the same thing? why? why? why? can't he step up and make a decision? Below is a copy of that very response from Senator Rubio:

Dear Mr. Dresko,
Thank you for reaching out to me in regard to the state of our nation's economy, the federal budget, and our nation's spending habits. I appreciate hearing your thoughts on these important issues.
On February 13 of this year, President Obama released his budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2013. Unfortunately, the President's plan fails to cut spending in a meaningful way, reduce our overwhelming levels of debt, and makes no attempt to reform our broken tax code and encourage job creation. Spending in the President's plan would reach $3.8 trillion this year and $5.8 trillion per year by 2022, leaving a budget deficit of $1.3 trillion this year alone. Total spending in his budget would reach $47 trillion over the next ten years. A budget proposal like this that does not cut spending is wildly irresponsible given our skyrocketing debt, which has just reached $16 trillion dollars. I am particularly disappointed that the President's budget does not propose any meaningful reforms to our entitlement programs, including Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, which will go bankrupt in the near future unless Congress adopts common-sense reforms to save our safety net.
As you may know, on September 22, 2012, the Senate voted on H.J. Resolution 117, another short-term Continuing Resolution to fund the federal government at current levels for the next six months. After four consecutive years of trillion dollar deficits and a debt that has surpassed $16 trillion, once again, the federal government left one of its most basic duties unfulfilled– the passage of an annual budget. I voted against this short-term continuing resolution because I believe we must address our fiscal irresponsibility and work toward reigning in our spending, reducing our deficit, and reducing our debt burden. Congress has a responsibility to move America out of this mess by charting a fiscally responsible path for the future, starting with a responsible and balanced budget.
I am committed to help change the path our nation is on, and on May 22, I introduced Start up 2.0, S. 3217, alongside Senator Chris Coons, Senator Jerry Moran and Senator Mark Warner. The bipartisan legislation is aimed at jump starting the economy through the creation and growth of new businesses. Start up Act 2.0 creates an environment in which entrepreneurs can succeed. It creates new opportunities for America-educated, entrepreneurial immigrants to remain in the U.S. where their talent and ideas can fuel growth and create American jobs.
Again, thank you for contacting me to share your thoughts on our nation's fiscal future. As Florida's junior Senator, I will keep your thoughts in mind as I work with my colleagues in both parties to enact a responsible budget that addresses the long-term fiscal and economic issues that we face as a nation.


Marco Rubio
United States Senator

As you can see by Senator Rubio's response he too, is in total shock at this Presidents lack of vision, I simply feel that we can not afford to steal off the back of future generations. Nuff Said!

Make it a Great Day Folk's!
Philip Dresko Sr.
Free Lance Travel Writer/ Photographer

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