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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dryer air means cruisin time!

">Dryer Air means it's cruisin time! Well after a long waited sign of dryer weather, which this weekend is supposed to be perfect, I want to let everyone in on this weekends little 28th wedding anniversary secret. I't s gonna be a trip to Daytona for some well needed Rest time, even though it's only going to be for 4 whole days out there, sometimes that's all you need it to get away for a couple of days in order to recharge your batteries, so in essence, we're going to make a dual trip outte this one, relax and unwind and get ready fro this up coming Holiday Season, with Christmas right around the corner and Turkey Day fast approaching, it's time to get those plans in stone so that we know what we are doing for the Holidays.

I look forward to being back in Daytona for the weekend, as I'm excited to see how the new resurant and pier is doing. As well as getting a writing assignment out of the way, and sometimes "Beach" time is the only thing that can cure the emptiness inside. I long to be on the worlds oceans and every day I have here on Land reminds me of that fact.

So My plans are still very general as I don't want to give up to much until we go and experiance it for ourselves.

Make it a Great Day Folk's!

Philip Dresko Sr.
Free Lance Travel Writer/ Photographer