Sunday, November 18, 2012

The ONly "SNOW BIRDS" I'll Tolerate (PERIOD THE END).

The Only "SNOW BIRDS" I'll Tolerate (PERIOD THE END).

OK, so don't let the title fool you, as there is "NO" snow birds I'll tolerate period, but anyone who knows me , knows I'm a bit of a nature nut , yep that's me, always was nuts for "GOD'S" critters, from my early childhood of feeding our friendly neighborhood squirrel's to now, enjoying some of the best natural resources "CENTRAL FLORIDA" has to offer.
We've been in this area now for almost 16 years, and we originate from Ohio, you know that place that has the lake that caught on fire, "CLEVELAND" Ohio, but enough about that place (YUCK). Now being here for those years, we've been witness to some of the best (NATURE) that you have to come and see this place for yourselves, this is so beautiful to be down here, the sunsets on the lakes and oceans, as well as being out on the water, both salt, and fresh, and getting in some of the best fishing you've ever had. Along with that, you have a 12 month riding season if your a (HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE) rider, such as the wife and I are, but back to our critters.

I've personally seen more birds, both tropical native to here, and transient (part timers), that come and go here, for instance is our "SAND HILL CRANES" that show up in the back yard about this time every year, so we call them our "SNOW BIRDS", even though we know they live here in Florida all their lives, we only seem to see this small grouping of what used to be 3, assumably , Daddy, Mommy, and the Baby  that they had last year. We got to watch them raise the little one right here and teach it to fly, and everything, it was really quite cool.
Unfortunately this year when they returned they were one shy, and the one that was missing , made my wife and I both very saddened, as it was the "Daddy" who is missing, and to my knowledge those birds mate for life, so to see him gone, made my wife and I wonder what could of happened to him, but both momma and the baby are back now, and they both look very healthy.
Looking at momma, she's no worse for ware, just very cautious of her surroundings, but yet yesterday when they both showed back up, they were a bit away from the house and we went outside and shook the bag of Honey Nut Cheerios that we have for them, and they came flying right over, squawking up a storm.
Just then I went back in the house grabbed our camera, and a couple pieces of bread and stood there and they got the royal treatment. We also keep a very large old feed bucket out back for the critters to get water from. I showed them by splashing my hand in it a couple of times, that I had it filled for them to drink from and they came right over and drank from the bucket like it was nothing, back to the old routines, now that her daddy's gone, I'll do what I can while they are here to support them, as I really hated to not see him here.
It's funny, but neighbor came out and said "BIG BAD BIKER MY ASS", those birds love you bro, and I laughed, and said, I know, softy at heart, but I don't play games on the roads.
At any rate these "SNOW BIRDS", are  going to be spoiled while they stay for this season I know that, as long as I have something to say about it that is for sure.
To think even though these birds the adult males stand as tall as I am, this gives you some perspective of the photos we took of them, Momma is considerably shorter, but when she flares those wings up and starts giving you the business, I suggest you clear out, as it's not just their bite you have to worry about, but they have a real nice set of claws that they have too. Me I didn't even worry about any of that as I know the birds, well the momma bird knew us anyway as she's the one that came flying right over to us yesterday when I shook the bag of cheerios, which by the way is their favorite thing to eat besides Cracked Corn, which now that their here, I'll be picking up a bag of that from the feed store next round.
Enjoy the photo's:                Me feeding Momma right out of my hand!
Colleen feeding Momma right out of her hand!
Yesterdays arrival back at the yard.
Water Time!
Momma, Baby, And Colleen a Perfect Tri-fecta!
It would seem as if these are our pets but their not, they just show up and we take care of them, it's only for the cold months, but it's worth it, because you get to have a blast interacting with nature.
Like I said before the whole place is a blast, so far I've personally seen, Eagles, Hawks of all shapes and sizes, as well as Otters, that's right real Otters, Turtles galore, fish of every kind, this place is loaded with all the great things that Ohio just never had, why the very first year I came here, I was in the pool, and a "BALD EAGLE" flew over my head within maybe 20 feet above at best, at that time we lived by a huge lake, and they nested on the other side of that lake, so they flew over head so many times I lost count. Ospreys, fishing right out of our lake, and then comes all of the trails you can ride on down here via horse back, we live right by a state park that offer just such an activity.
Too Many things to mention in this Blog posting alone so I'll reserve the right to spread out my bragging on Florida to many others as well.
Make It A Great Day Folk's!
Philip Dresko Sr.
Free lance Travel Writer / Photographer

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