Monday, August 13, 2012

Todays Disney Tip Number 688

Today's Disney Tip 688:

Back in Orlando and writing on "Walt Disney World", of Orlando Florida.
This is one of my favorite places to write about, as I was here on opening day and have been visiting these parks here most of my life. At one time, I was employed for them as well, but that is a whole different story, everything "TIP" wise I write about is insider tips and tricks to getting the most for your money while touring at Walt Disney World, Orlando Florida. This is "TIP 688">>> "READ ON"
When taking the "Family" to the "Magic Kingdom" for the day, remember the age old rule of thumb, that most traffic here in the U.S.A>is going to go to the right>>>>> when entering "Magic Kingdom", now you being "Informed" you will know that once down "MAIN STREET" when you reach Casey's Corner the Hot dog place to eat at on the far left, turn there, and head left <<<<<<<<<barring traffic and head over the gate way bridge to where the "Pirates of the Caribbean" is, once at the ride start you're journey there, as that will be your first major ride you'll want to get on going left or against the crowd. Everyone going right will be trying to get on
"Space Mountain", which everyone knows is jam packed with all those "Right Goer's"< Funny, but this actually works, now once done at "Pirates", going left out the gift shop, get back on the main path way and head "LEFT AGAIN" to "Splash Mountain" and "Big thunder Railroad", two of my absolute favorites. Now you will have three major rides in by the time most of those traveling "Right" when they enter into the park.
That is your insider tip #688 for the day of August 13th, 2021
Good Luck Fellow Disney Travelers!
This is Philip Dresko
"Scenes From The Seat"

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