Sunday, August 26, 2012

Summertime blues!

Well today we're feeling the onset of Hurricane Issac, We're all hoping that he'll bare to the west and save our Little helpless state from Mass destruction, but you never know what Mother nature has in store for us now do you?
That being said preparations have been made and all our food stocks and everything else we need are pretty much non existent, thanks to all the shortages of idiots going out and hording all the supplies, now go figure, i hope this hurricane doesn't even hit us then all those greedy screws will have cupboards full of crap they didn't need to begin with.
I can remember the first year living here and they got on the news and said we were in direct line to getting hit by one of those monsters and bam I went out and bought everything I could on the hurricane preparedness list, now after being here for 15+ years I only run to the bank and to the gas station to top off the tank.
With age comes wisdom, but living here I've found the food is better after a hurricane if your not at home making it! So it's cash and gas to go out and eat! Yes I am a foodie and yes I love to eat, just not at home after a big storm, I'd much rather be out and about on the "HOG".
Make It a Great Day!

Philip Dresko Sr

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