While out on the road in Southern Florida, we came across the sign that said "FREE NUDE GIRLS".
Much to the surprise of the wife and I, we drove past and the name of the establishment for the better sake of saving a lawsuit, I'll amend it a little, it was called "Jugs"< but a little more vulgar than that, if ya know what I mean?..... Now, with a name like that you'd figure, yep another strip joint oh joy!
So we road on, looking for a place to stop and fuel up both our tanks and the bikes tank anyway .
Stopping just shortly down the road from this crazy place that we figured was a strip joint, we drove into the BP and got some gas, we decided it would be a great time to grab a bite and we asked the fella at the register where is a good place in town to get some grub, as we love taking words of advice from the locals on great places to eat?
Much to the wife and I's chagrin, he said without blinking an eye, the place we thought was the strip joint, "JUG'S". We paid him and made our way out of the BP, and we we're both floored, as we thought we'd never be caught in a place like that, but we also live by the seat of our pant's, so why not try it right? Well guess what? this place was fantastic!
First of all, the guys at the Bar, which it was just that, all had on Black T-Shirts with heavy white print on it and a huge picture mid chest of a Girl grabbing the bars of a Jail cell , facing forward, and underneath that were the words in heavy bold white print "FREE NUDE GIRLS". I was rolling laughing, because when we walked in it was lunch time and the place was packed, we got a table after a short stay at the bar area to wet our whistles , but while at the bar was the best part, as I asked the bartender that ever so burning question, " So Where's the free nude girls?", at which time he walked over behind the bar by the register and rang the bell and everyone in the place started laughing and then they went on eating, and when the bartender came back, I said politely, what was that the stupid tourist bell? and he said, something like that, you see we are and eating establishment here sir, and we don't condone nudity here, and those are pitchers of beer on the sign out there if you look a little closer not a part of a women's anatomy, it's just the sign that threw ya, oh and about that, did you see the T-shirts the staff are wearing? Why yes I did, I replied, well he said sir, that shows we support the cause to stop human trafficking and a part of your meals cost here today will go to fund a campaign to stop such crime going on right under the noses of everyone.
I looked at this man in utter amazement and said well "GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR CAUSE", to which he spun on his heels, went back over to the register, and rang that darn bell again, and everyone applauded?
I was very perplexed, and I couldn't wait for him to come back over to us to explain that bell ring, and sure enough he came strolling right back over and said your tables ready sir, and of course I had to ask again you know me, Mr. Inquisitive, so what was that bell ring about? Without a blink, he said that was the , "THEIR OK, THEIR ONE OF US" bell tolls, anyone that can get threw that door and get laughed at, and then applauded for after finding out the real cause, and still want to stay and have food is a great patron in our eyes, so go and enjoy you're lunch, and have a "BLESSED" day.
Now How cool was that? Misconception all the way , but man was he ringing in the patrons while we too we're enjoying a beautiful lunch out on the deck over looking some of the nicest water way views.
Truly amazing this world is and I truly love the road.
Till next time, "MAKE IT A GREAT DAY FOLK'S!"
Philip Dresko SR.
Free Lance Travel Writer/ Photographer
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