Friday, August 31, 2012



While out on the road in Southern Florida, we came across the sign that said "FREE NUDE GIRLS".
Much to the surprise of the wife and I, we drove past and the name of the establishment for the better sake of saving a lawsuit, I'll amend it a little, it was called "Jugs"< but a little more vulgar than that, if ya know what I mean?..... Now, with a name like that you'd figure, yep another strip joint oh joy!
So we road on, looking for a place to stop and fuel up both our tanks and the bikes tank anyway .

Stopping just shortly down the road from this crazy place that we figured was a strip joint, we drove into the BP and got some gas, we decided it would be a great time to grab a bite and we asked the fella at the register where is a good place in town to get some grub, as we love taking words of advice from the locals on great places to eat?

Much to the wife and I's chagrin, he said without blinking an eye, the place we thought was the strip joint, "JUG'S".  We paid him and made our way out of the BP, and we we're both floored, as we thought we'd never be caught in a place like that, but we also live by the seat of our pant's, so why not try it right? Well guess what? this place was fantastic!

First of all, the guys at the Bar, which it was just that, all had on Black T-Shirts with heavy white print on it and a huge picture mid chest of a Girl grabbing the bars of a Jail cell , facing forward, and underneath that were the words in heavy bold white print "FREE NUDE GIRLS". I was rolling laughing, because when we walked in it was lunch time and the place was packed, we got a table after a short stay at the bar area to wet our whistles , but while at the bar was the best part, as I asked the bartender that ever so burning question, " So Where's the free nude girls?", at which time he walked over behind the bar by the register and rang the bell and everyone in the place started laughing and then they went on eating, and when the bartender came back, I said politely, what was that the stupid tourist bell? and he said, something like that, you see we are and eating establishment here sir, and we don't condone nudity here, and those are pitchers of beer on the sign out there if you look a little closer not a part of a women's anatomy, it's just the sign that threw ya, oh and about that, did you see the T-shirts the staff are wearing? Why yes I did, I replied, well he said sir, that shows we support the cause to stop human trafficking and a part of your meals cost here today will go to fund a campaign to stop such crime  going on right under the noses of everyone.
I looked at this man in utter amazement and said well "GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR CAUSE", to which he spun on his heels, went back over to the register, and rang that darn bell again, and everyone applauded?
 I was very perplexed, and I couldn't wait for him to come back over to us to explain that bell ring, and sure enough he came strolling right back over and said your tables ready sir, and of course I had to ask again you know me, Mr. Inquisitive, so what was that bell ring about? Without a blink, he said that was the , "THEIR OK, THEIR ONE OF US" bell tolls, anyone that can get threw that door and get laughed at, and then applauded for after finding out the real cause, and still want to stay and have food is a great patron in our eyes, so go and enjoy you're lunch, and have a "BLESSED" day.
Now How cool was that? Misconception all the way , but man was he ringing in the patrons while we too we're enjoying a beautiful lunch out on the deck over looking some of the nicest water way views.

Truly amazing this world is and I truly love the road.

Till next time, "MAKE IT A GREAT DAY FOLK'S!"
Philip Dresko SR.
Free Lance Travel Writer/ Photographer

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Back Issues?


There i s nothing more aggrevating then waking up and finding out your day is shot because the surgery you had 8 years ago does not want you to do anything today. This is how my day started, I woke up tried so hard to make it out of bed then figured out that my back was not going to co-operate today so you guessed it limited to no riding today, The pain running down my right leg has me wishing that I could detach my leg and set it somewhere else. Yes I have pain killers and no I don't like taking them because they effect my mental state of mind and I love to use my mind as much as I can yet on those darn things they just have me walking around numb or zombie like, so I tell the wife when I'm forced to take them that she's got the "LIVING DEAD HUSBAND" today, so I'm putting her on notice today that today is one of those days.
Tune in tomorrow for yet another interesting story from the road, today is not that day!

Make it a Great Day Folk's!

Philip Dresko Sr

Freelance Travel Writer/ Photographer

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Gone but not forgotten!

Gone But not forgotten:

Willie "G", Gone off the pay roll at Harley is the chief designer and best protocol director on the planet.

I wish to thank him for his many years of faithful service to "HARLEY DAVIDSON" and for designing the best motorcycles on the planet. Nah I'm not biased really? ya Think?

At any rate I just wanted to check in today and let everyone know that Isaac is Outta Central Florida and we made out just fine, now other parts of the state not so much.

Come on down and enjoy you know we are!

Make it a Great Day Folk's!

Philip Dresko Sr
Freelance Travel Writer/ Photographer

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Scheduling for the next cruise in. (KEY WEST)

Scheduling for the next "CRUISE INN":

OK folks, I'm gonna put this out there one more time for thee masses, I can get group discounts on extended stay hotels in Key West Florida. Yes, it just got hit by a Hurricane, but No ,they suffered only downed limbs on trees and some rampit power outages, and some superficial damages to some buildings , but they are still open for business and I'd like to get a group of riders together to go on a week run down to "Key West". Staying over night at the "Crown Plaza" on Duvall.

During this time you are not required to stay together as a group but checking in at the "Crown" we'll all need to be present. After that your on your own unless you want to tour around with the wife and I as we've been down several times before and would very much enjoy getting away in October , we call this run the " I'm getting my Drink on before the Holidays Party Run", All proceeds collected will go to the "TOY'S FOR TOTS" campaign right here in Clermont Florida Chapter.

All Wishing to sign up and go please respond before Thursday October 4th, 2012, as we will be leaving the following Thursday the 11th for an arrival at the "Crown Plaza" at our 3pm check in on the 12th.

We leave from Central Florida Wheels Level at 10:00am drive to FT LAuderdale with a one night stay there for Gambling and fun  at the "HARD ROCK HOTEL", I'm gonna arrange special Bike only parking for our over night stay there too, then we head back out first light the morning of the 12th for a arrival at our projected 3:00pm check in at the "Crown Plaza" on Duvall. We stay one night at the "HARD ROCK", and two nights possably three at the "Crown"?
We  leave out first light on Sunday morning and head straight to West Palm Beach with a possable over night there? and then back to to Central Florida.
The Morning of our departure which will be Sunday the 14th, if you wish to head out on your own and head back you're more than welcome, you don' have to wait for us gimps as I'm sporting a real bad Back injury these days, and I'm slow moving don't ya know.
I'm steady though ,so I'll be good for about 2.5 hours of run time after that I'm shot. The trip there is charted at 7.8 hours, I think we can get this done by 7 even, but we'll see?

Remember that sign up date, and remember to contact me here!

We Are Looking to surpass Last Years Toys For Tots Check Of $5,800.00, that we presented last year, remember for some kids this run is their Christmas, so lets get this done.

As Always "Make It A Great Day Folk's"!
Stay Safe Out There.
Philip Dresko Sr.
Freelance Travel Writer/Photographer

Monday, August 27, 2012

Isaac Huffed and he puffed but thus far he's a bust!

Isaac Huffed and he puffed but thus far he's a bust!

Hello everyone from Hurricane Isle Florida, where today while letting the cat in at 5:00am I got soaked because when I slid the slider doors opened enough rain followed his little buns into through the door to soak the both of us. I know what you're asking yourself? what the hell kind of person leaves their cat out for the night with a storm like Isaac on the approach?, well, that would be this dumb ass.
I figured, that the storm was a slow crawler and wouldn't be up to central Florida till at the very least mid day today, well here I went thinking again, because when we woke up this morning the house was a rocking and our poor cat  ( Samson) was soaked poor little guy, he even dragged his butt in through the door and took his good ole time, like see, if I'm getting wet here pecker head, so are you and yep sure enough both of us were soaked all with in a matter of minutes. Cats! sometimes you just want to drop kick them, NOT! Just kidding, we love our little guy.

Well No riding today, but we'll try again tomorrow?

In the meantime make it a great day!

Philip Dresko Sr.
Freelance Travel Writer/ Photographer

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Summertime blues!

Well today we're feeling the onset of Hurricane Issac, We're all hoping that he'll bare to the west and save our Little helpless state from Mass destruction, but you never know what Mother nature has in store for us now do you?
That being said preparations have been made and all our food stocks and everything else we need are pretty much non existent, thanks to all the shortages of idiots going out and hording all the supplies, now go figure, i hope this hurricane doesn't even hit us then all those greedy screws will have cupboards full of crap they didn't need to begin with.
I can remember the first year living here and they got on the news and said we were in direct line to getting hit by one of those monsters and bam I went out and bought everything I could on the hurricane preparedness list, now after being here for 15+ years I only run to the bank and to the gas station to top off the tank.
With age comes wisdom, but living here I've found the food is better after a hurricane if your not at home making it! So it's cash and gas to go out and eat! Yes I am a foodie and yes I love to eat, just not at home after a big storm, I'd much rather be out and about on the "HOG".
Make It a Great Day!

Philip Dresko Sr

Saturday, August 25, 2012

First day with no "VEE"

First Day with no "VEE"

Well, Got the phone call last night well, early this morning for you literal types, at 3:34am that my Daughter and her friend made it up to Georgia just fine and that they were gonna UN pack and get some sleep as they both had assignments due Monday, talk about cutting it close. I'm so thankful for the Folk's at First Baptist Clermont for doing such a wonderful job with guiding "Veronika" through the pitfalls of life to get her back interested in School and get her back enrolled, I love all you guys and pray daily for everyone of you for this miracle.

Make It A Great DAY!

Philip Dresko Sr.
Free Lance Travel Writer/ Photographer.

Friday, August 24, 2012

The count down to tears is on!

Just had to drop back in , we're moments away from packing up our daughters belongings so that she and her friend from church can go up to Georgia today for the start of the new school year and this her Freshmen year. I Wish her all the best, and I'm happy for her that she gets to continue "GODS" works with her twist on them. Mom  and I are both so proud of you it's beyond explanation.

God truly blessed us with you, now go spread the word.

Love you Bunches,

Dad & Mom.



For most of you used to the fact that I write a travel blog for "MOTORCYCLE ENTHUSIASTS", you'll find today's title most perplexing.

Not just a great "Beatles" tune.
Not just a saying we have in life.
But a Dedication to my Daughter of 21 years old, who is leaving the nest for the first time today, and heading to pursue her educational degrees, so that she may continue to spread "GOD'S" word through youth ministries.

The Long and Winding Road: By Philip Dresko Sr.
It seemed just yesterday when your mother looked at me and cried out that she was with child again, we had our first two, both boys already, but this one was special we just knew we were to be blessed with a baby girl, and yep sure enough that's what occurred, all the way throughout your life here with us, you've touched everyone, both human and animal alike with your glory and your true inner spirit.
Never loose that faith, stay unshook for all times and stay strong, you are now onto the next phase of your young life and we look back on that with complete pride that we took you this far, and now you'll have "God's" great guidance to carry you on throughout your life, may you always have your light heart and may you never fear the unknown, rather continue to strive forward and know that both your mother and I love you very much and always will.

As I cruise down the highway of life's journey, with the miles of uncertain blacktop ahead and the worn out tires worth of roads then passed, I've made it to the next phase of my life too, and most who suffer this day know that a piece of my heart is leaving today and for all of us that result is different, for me, I'm a mess, but I know, I can no longer hold back this young lady and I know I'm super proud to have had all the time God has blessed us with having her, so grateful and sad is my mood today.
 I'm sorry But the road keeps turning and so does the world, so cruise on through the rest of your years and may all of you have safe and pleasant riding adventures ahead of you.

God's peace to everyone!

Make it a Great Day!

Philip Dresko Sr.
Free Lance Travel Writer/Photographer.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Stiff, Sore and oh Joy here comes a bad storm!

Stiff, Sore, and oh joy here comes a huge storm!

After a day of riding in the Florida's Sun the last thing you want to encounter is the day being ended on a bad note, well this happened to me the other day. I was out enjoying a full days ride with some friends and then we all had to go back to our residences for dinner and such, so we all headed home, now keep in mind it was a blast riding with the old gang again, but when your riding home into a huge storm and all you can see in front of you is black as night sky's and it's only 5:00pm, you know you really should find a place to tuck in and ride the storm out instead of trying to do what I did, which is just this, I rode it out baby!
That's right!, I rode into one of the areas worst storms of the season thus far, and lived to tell about it, now don't get me wrong this may seem like some major feet, but really I only had to pull over once, because of not being able to see what was in front of me.
This was ten minutes down the street from my house, so as soon as it let up just the littlest of bits I took off running full out and got to the house.
Now you know if you've ever ridden, that riding in the rain is a lot like skating on thin ice, you have to do it very carefully and very  discreetly. Some people driving those darn cages, don't like to pay attention to anything while they are out driving them, so you have to watch out for them and watch out for the now hazardous road conditions. Me, I just got so close to the house, I became obsessed with making it home dry, that was a major "FAIL" as right before the light in front of my house, which I could see in the distance between getting pounded by torrential rains, I had to pull  over because the "SUN BLOCK" I applied earlier that day started to run down into my eyes and it was burning like crazy, so once I got that cleared up outta my eyes I got back on the road, but it was funny, so funny in fact that I was laughing totally out loud, all the while pouring deluge's of rain were pouring on my head, it felt as if the flesh was being stripped from my bones that's how hard it was raining, and "NO" before you ask I wasn't carrying any rain gear, I could of slipped into right quick, that's just how priceless my day was going at that moment.
So remember this one tip, never race mother nature as she always wins!
Stay Safe out there and Make it a Great Day!
Philip Dresko Sr

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

They grow up tooo soon.

Friday marks the end of childhood:

Some would say now that a Fathers Dreams and asperations for their young go relms beyond what any of them ever achieve. Yet, I'm no starnger to children leaving the nest, as my two oldest sons are on their own married, and have blessed us with two very sweet grandchildren.
Yet I pause now to tell everyone that our littlest who is now 21 is leaving for school on Firday, and I can not believe it's that time already that we loose our final child to society,off to school away from Mom  and dads wing, and on her own with "God's" good graces by her side. I can only say one thing about the whole deal, and that is I couldn't be more proud of her, my one and only daughter, leaving us and our last child at home to go, now what do we do as parents first? Have a Keg Party? Paint the room and make it a game room? or put that long awaited hot tub in?
 I guess that is the question most parents will ask themselves, my only question is this? Is It Christmas yet? as that's when she'll be coming home........ I look forward to then I guess with dismay, but I can't hold her back from her dreams and try and hold onto that little girl we once knew, now it's time for her to shine. So Shine on you Crazy Diamond, (VERONIKA DRESKO) We love you very much and don't ever forget that!

Mom & Dad.

Philip Dresko Sr.
Freelance Travel Writer/ Photographer
"Scenes From The Seat"

Monday, August 20, 2012

Rants from the Road!

Rants From The Road:

OK fellow Floridians, where and when did you learn how to drive in Florida's "WET SEASON"?
Reason I ask? is I head out first thing in the morning most often then not which for me is before 5:45am, which means my bikes headlights are on regardless, but I see so many cars going down the road with no headlights on and it's that time of the morning where in some instances headlights are crucial. SO If you're reading this post and you can take critical advice, please turn on your head lights in the moring and shut them off as soon as you see the risen sun which means you can view it in "FULL" not just a little bit of it.

Also While were on the road lets cover this little pet peeve of mine right now, Run with your headlights "ON" in inclement weather which means anything from rain to Early morning fog run with your light on so everyone can see you, the amount of rain we get here in Florida is not as much as quantity per square inch when it is raining, so for safety sake, light those cars up please!

Thank you,

Happy Travels Folk's !

Philip Dresko Sr.
(Freelance Travel Writer/ Photographer)

Living in a Tropical Paradise 1 of 12 review articles.

Living in a Tropical Paradise!

Travel writing here in Florida is very easy especially when you've been at it for almost 15 years now, I've seen most, if not all of Florida, so it's easy for me to write on this place as I've covered it.
I just want to start a small informative article writing and let other travelers in on very worth while places to go and to see and stay for a few days if not a couple of weeks if not a life time.

So enjoy the next oh shall we say about 12 + articles on Florida, requests for certain information is available with advanced noticed and travel dates.

Happy Travels Folk's!

Philip Dresko Sr. (Free Lance Travel Writer/Photographer)

Disney Tip #695

Disney Tip #695

OK so you and your family are at Disney's Magic Kingdom, it's just about night fall and your getting excited about seeing the "WISHES", fireworks show, but where do you stand to get the best experiance, well that's where this tip comes in, Disney Tip #695 Where to stand during the wishes fireworks show at Disneys Magic Kingdom, to get the best Geust satisfaction experiance.

This one is a simple one, but you 'd think that wouldn't you? no?, Well you'd be wrong, you see while everyone is scurrying to line up in front of Cinderella's Castle. The best veiwing experiance is actually behind the castle on the wall just behind Cindy's Carosell, once there take a seat on the wall and enjoy being right in the middle of the foreworks show as verse looking at it from afar.
Happy Travels Folk's!
Philip Dresko Sr. ( Freelance Travel Writer/Photographer)
"Scenes From The Seat"

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Things to do at Disney When it "POURING RAIN" out.

Things to do at Disney while it's pouring rain out and they are closing the attractions for lighting outages.

Well now you've done it, you've went to "Walt Disney World" in their "RAIN SEASON", yes folk's, we here call it the "TROPICS" for a reason, why? because we stay beautiful here 365 days a year, but we have to put up with this little known season called "RAIN" season, otherwise known as "HURRICANE" season to us locals, and we prepare like anyone else who has been through one or two of these. 
 I personally have 6 of them under my belt, but that is a story for another time, most locals will stock up on some water , we don't give to birds nest whats in the fridge anyway because we eat out so much, now "Cash", you bet, there is a heavy run on Banks and bank machines down here when one of those buggers are coming our way, and you guessed it, there is a constant stream of "TANK- TOPPER OFFERS" at the gas stations across the Florida Region when one is on the approach as well.
 Now me, I like to hoard a small amount of comfort food and a great movie or two, so I'll go to block buster at the last minute and clean them out of some good titles , make my token stop to the booze store< oh yeah kiddies, these storms are worth a bottle of Bourbon you bet ya. Gentleman do prefer Blonde's and so it's said a great Blond Bourbon to sip on and sooth the nerves is "Crown Royal" my personal Favorite.
 After my provisions have been acquired, I head back to the Condo and Tuck in, now for you guys stuck at the parks hoping the rain is going to stop, forget about it.
There is so much more to Disney then sunshine and fairy dust,now in the rain head straight for the exits at the parks, here's why, why put up with delays of your valuable vacation time, when there is so much more to see then standing in lines of people with sweaty rain ponchos on trying to spark up some remnants of conversation while it's blistering you with rain the size of quarters for goodness sakes, when you can be inside one of the most beautiful resorts on the planet. While the kiddies are playing games in the Game room, you and momma are up in the bar getting your drink on and having fun staying dry laughing at all the "TOURISTS" who are getting soaked and thinking back at this little pearl of wisdom, when in doubt get out, if you think the rain is going to last or not? head for the door, oh by the way not so fast! You paid  for that day did you not? now here is the fun part, go into guest relations and demand a refund or a rainy day pass which covers your next days admission, now even if you bought a tour package which covers all your days there if one of those days ends suddenly do to a rain out you get refunded , repeat after me , rain out equals refund, this will help comfort the rain out and pay for those drinks and those tokens in the game room for the kiddies. Oh and that resort, when you head out the front gates at Disney's Magic Kingdom if your there, then head straight for the resorts monorail as that is the one that will take you to any resort you'd like to enjoy for that period of time it is raining which may be for the day or may even just be 45 minutes like most of our showers during this time of year.
Make it a Great Day!
Happy Travels,
Philip Dresko Sr.( Freelance Travel Writer/Photographer)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Disney Tip # 693

Disney Tip #693

Here it is folk's and almost the end of our time here in Orlando the sights and the beaches were fantastic, but I wanted to offer just this one more tip while in Orlando Florida, Plan for your departure well ahead of time.
This will help you if you get to the airport while flying home or to some other great place here in Florida at the very least an Hour a head of your flight departure, make sure your name is on all your bags and make sure none of them leave your sight until TSA takes them from you to put them on the plane.
 After that, watch your personal belongings at all times, I've flown all over the globe and you'd be amazed as I often am when People set people up as mules for curring stolen goods or worse Drugs, so watch your luggage.
Now that your at the airport and it only took you twenty minutes to get checked in, well now it's time to go enjoy some pre-flight drink compilations that will take the sting out of flying. I have two or three "Crown Royals" straight NO ice just the glass please!, Calms ones nerves for those long flights, like 18 hour flights to Europe but that's for another time.
Make it a great day, Folk's!
Philip Dresko Sr. (Free lance Travel Writer/ Photographer)
"Scenes From The Seat"

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Disney Travel Tip # 692

Disney Travel Tip #692:

Some might of already thought of this one, but here it is anyway:

When figuring on a trip to Orlando for the "DISNEY WORLD EXPERIENCE", make sure you schedule one complete day to do this one little thing that will make your next Disney Experience even more special.

Now I've been told I'm not like most people and I've learned to accept this, but where I differ from some , the same differ from me and may not look at things like I do, so here is your tip, when you've first planned your Disney Vacation most likely you sent for some information about one certain place or another, well here is a simple trick that will make your next stay much more enjoyable.
Disney Tip #692:
While enjoying your stay at Disney World Resorts, make a "1" day commitment to going to view at the very least "2" other Disney Resorts that Disney has to offer, even smarter would be to go check out their "Disney Vacation Club Condos" if your planning on making the "Disney Trip" a  yearly thing with your family, but back to the two other resorts, now on the day that you've provided yourself say some pool time back at your resort, because your over hyper vacation has gotten to you and you just want to take a break, well that is the day you do this, start in the morning and go have "Breakfast" at choice "#2" of the resort that you feel you've missed out on, and then go shopping at resort choice number "#3", this way you get to see what these resorts offer as verse the one you settled on this time, and plan for your next visit, this way planning forward, makes for a better guest satisfaction experience. Also later that day go to eat at the Resort you shopped at earlier and catch some evening entertainment at the other Resort you had Breakfast at earlier that day completing your day of pre- trip planning for the next Disney Vacation and thus ending tip #692.
Make It A Great Day Folk's!
Safe Travels
Philip Dresko Sr.


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Disney Tip 689

Disney Tip #689:

While out with or without the family and if your at "Walt Disney World" Orlando, Florida.
Please remember this little tip and it will help keep you from pulling your hair out while trying to get a parking spot over at "DOWN TOWN DISNEY", which by the way is a wonderful place to go get your shop on.
 I personally love the "Harley- Davidson" store there, but that's for another time, back to the Disney Tip #689:
 It's simple folks, Disney has everyone scattering around front to find the best parking spot, which by the way is"AROUND BACK"! Go to the far entrance off Lake Bunea Vista Drive and follow the rear parking sigange, then follow that to the back parking lot, you'll have no problems what so ever finding a spot there, unless someone real good is playing at the "House of Blues" then good luck, but there it is "Folk's" keep one's blood pressure down and all is good in the world. Make it a Great Day! Happy Traveling!
Philip Dresko Sr. "Scenes From The Seat"

Monday, August 13, 2012

Todays Disney Tip Number 688

Today's Disney Tip 688:

Back in Orlando and writing on "Walt Disney World", of Orlando Florida.
This is one of my favorite places to write about, as I was here on opening day and have been visiting these parks here most of my life. At one time, I was employed for them as well, but that is a whole different story, everything "TIP" wise I write about is insider tips and tricks to getting the most for your money while touring at Walt Disney World, Orlando Florida. This is "TIP 688">>> "READ ON"
When taking the "Family" to the "Magic Kingdom" for the day, remember the age old rule of thumb, that most traffic here in the U.S.A>is going to go to the right>>>>> when entering "Magic Kingdom", now you being "Informed" you will know that once down "MAIN STREET" when you reach Casey's Corner the Hot dog place to eat at on the far left, turn there, and head left <<<<<<<<<barring traffic and head over the gate way bridge to where the "Pirates of the Caribbean" is, once at the ride start you're journey there, as that will be your first major ride you'll want to get on going left or against the crowd. Everyone going right will be trying to get on
"Space Mountain", which everyone knows is jam packed with all those "Right Goer's"< Funny, but this actually works, now once done at "Pirates", going left out the gift shop, get back on the main path way and head "LEFT AGAIN" to "Splash Mountain" and "Big thunder Railroad", two of my absolute favorites. Now you will have three major rides in by the time most of those traveling "Right" when they enter into the park.
That is your insider tip #688 for the day of August 13th, 2021
Good Luck Fellow Disney Travelers!
This is Philip Dresko
"Scenes From The Seat"

Bok Tower trip How cool is this place? We loved it !

Scenes from the seat.

A Travel writers guide to great one day trip excursions that you can experience from your "Harley-Davidson Motorcycle".


Starting from our base residence in "Clermont Florida", we ventured "South" this time into "Polk" county, to a town called "LAKE WALES".  The ride down was  in full noon day sun and the Harley was purring along  as the mile markers and rode signs pointed us in the direction of  our destination for the day, "BOK TOWER GARDENS". About an hours ride, pending on traffic.


Polk county did such a wonderful job with rode signage that the directions I printed off Google mapping were of no use to us. As we made our way on route 27 south, when we entered the town of "LAKE WALES", large very well identifiable (GREEN) attraction signs guided us to this wonderful piece of Florida's true history.


Colleen and I being full time residents here in Florida now for some 15 years, this was our first ever day trip heading in the southerly direction, as most of our written about trips and excursions have taken us mostly , "East" to Daytona, for the revered "BIKE WEEK & BIKETOBERFEST", held in "Daytona Beach Florida", as well as "North" to "Leesburg Florida", for the Leesburg Bikefest, and  of course  "West", to Crystal River Florida's, "Gulf Coast Cruise in".


 So it was an experiment to see what we could find attraction wise that would not only appeal to the "Harley Rider at Heart", and offer up a

great cruise with interesting scenery, but also provide us something to do for entertainment while out on that cruise.


Well let me tell you fellow riders, we hit the "JACKPOT" with this find, as this attraction has something for everyone, young and old alike. The unspoiled views and the spectacular sounds from these "GARDENS" and that magnificent "Singing Tower" is something for everyone to enjoy, located just about an hour south of Clermont, Florida.


Colleen and I upon check in at the front gate were met by one of the most bubbly and truly helpful persons that pointed us on our way to the visitors center and that was where we headed to next. When we got down to the main complex parking, we noticed several signs both for large vehicles such as Group and RV parking, which I found was a great idea, because people come here in all modes of transportation and the parking lot proved that. Colleen and I found a spot right up front to park the Harley, we gathered our gear  and we set off on our journey.


Starting at the visitors center as previously instructed , we came across a  " Volunteer staff member", Mitchell Sheets, who only had been there for three years, but pretty much had his job there down pat, he quickly guided us through the "Welcome Center" and pointed out the certain pathways which would be most beneficial to us being first timers there.


Then we met up with one of the brightest most informed and loving spirited persons on the grounds, "Cassie Jacoby"- Director of Communications, she then gave us a brief overview and answered all our questions  and sent us on our way to go and enjoy the splendor of what seems to be  one of America's Finest Gardens, and one of Florida's best kept secrets. Well sorry Cassie, the words out now, and look forward to many of Harley enthusiasts to join our trek, and hopefully they too will enjoy this attraction as much as the wife and I did.


Speaking of our trek, we started out from the visitors center to the main path which lead us on our way along  the most spectacular views and the most interesting of gardening exhibit's. Song birds and squirrels were highly abundant, the sunshine was out at full sun , but the amount of shade trees and foliage were enough to keep you from it's  heated grasp.


Pathways were marked clearly, so as to find everything that the guide map provided in an instant, we found this very helpful, as the sheer splendor for these gardens and this estate it's easy to get caught up in the nature of things and get side tracked.



Colleen and I headed up the main pathway to the singing tower and the Pinewood estate, as per recommendation by Mr. Sheets, this provided us the "FIRST TIMERS" here not only beautiful views, but interesting side pathways for us to explore if we chose to do so, which we certainly did.


Our first side pathway lead us to "WINDOW BY THE POND",  not only a great escape from the heat, but a serine and tranquil place to sit and observe  mother nature from a "WETLANDS" view point.


Again, with signage as easy as this to see, it made our trek very enjoyable.


A short way down the gruff pathway, we came across this little exhibit shack , but its what was inside that had us in awe of our surroundings. Below is a picture of what awaits you to enjoy and take in as well.










Inside the little hideaway "Window By The Pond" along the wetlands exhibit is some more helpful signs called "NATURES SHOW".

They  point out the abundant wildlife that you may come across while sitting in a  little theatre type setting.  Please be sure to sign the guest book and leave a comment, Colleen and I found it very interesting to see what others wrote about their being in this exhibit and where some of the folk's who visited it were actually from. Two people that were there, traveled from as far away as "JAPAN" and "Germany", they too were in awe at the nature of things.















From the window by the pond, we traveled back to the main pathway and started our trek to the "SINGING TOWER" , also known as "BOK TOWER", named after the founder,

Edward William Bok " Humanitarian" who lived during one of the worlds most interesting times, 1863-1930.

His dedication to preserve these lands, and to build one of the most beautiful picturesque towers atop one of "FLORIDA'S" most astounding view points, makes me wish he were alive today, so that he and I could speak about what drove him to build upon his dreams like he did. I know if he were alive today, in short, I would tell him what a wonderful piece of history he has preserved, and our generation sure is thankful he did so.

 Below is  a picture of Edward William Bok, which adorns one of the walls in the welcome center.

Back on the main pathway the view of the tower from afar became more apparent that we were going to be in for a real treat, below are just a small sampling of what you can expect to find here at this marvelous sanctuary. Peace and serenity abound.






As we approached the tower the pathways gave un obstructed views of the Tower in all it's magnificence. A reflecting pool surrounded the towers frontage, with too many photo opportunities to include in this article alone, but yet for your viewing pleasure we could not leave the ones below out.






Heading to the left of the reflecting pool from the main pathway and continuing to the tower we happened across a small grouping of "PALM TREES", with a placard nailed into one of them at it's base, this is for all you history buffs out there, the palm was planted as a commemorative by none other than United States President Calvin Coolidge on February 1st, of the year 1929, both the grouping and the plaque are pictured below.






As we continued along the pathway , we were treated to the sounds of the Tower Bells, as the afternoon concert had begun, and wow what a wonderful sound. I can only imagine what it is to live near this complex, and have these bells singing their magic everyday. This must be a wonderful treat, and something to be cherished by it's residents of the local community. Along the way we had to stop and feed the KOI Fish in the pond in front of the tower. When we were through we watched as a little girl fed them too, and she looked as if she was certainly enjoying herself as much, if not more then we were.





Finally we came upon the tower in all it's splendor, and WOW, we were truly blown away , I thought to myself for a moment, I just had saw this tower from way out on Route 27 on the way down and hadn't even realized that it was one in the same. I of course preferred the view of standing right next to it, as verse viewing it from afar, here are just a few pictures of what it was like to be there.



Words can not describe the sheer mass of this monolithic, stone and marble structure.




205 feet tall,  5,500 tons, made of a steel frame and covered with ornate brick and pink and grey Georgia Marble along with Florida coqunia, and lime stone.




"Herons" at the very top and "EAGLES" at the base of the bell chamber all sculptures were carved in place. Although the tower was closed to visiting guests, my wife and I were invited back after the restorations are completed for a private tour by "Cassie Jacoby", so that we may be able to get the view from the top of the tower, for that tour I'll be bringing our panoramic lens for some  real incredible photo's, of which I'll write again, and include those photos with that follow up article.


Back down at ground level, and viewing the tower from the huge sun dial side, the view of the adjacent courtyard was very beautiful, and I could see why this was Mr. Bok's favorite view for sunsets.

Taking the trek back down the main pathway but this time going to the left we came across several other interesting points which we thought you the reader may enjoy.

"Excedra", a dedication to Edward Bok is a small sitting area, where one can listen to the bells play, and maybe enjoy some lunch, or what ever your fancy may be?


Also along the way was this magnificent sculpture of a Japanese stone lantern with the dedication stone both pictures provided below.



Proving that once again, even though it's been since 1925, their ever striving venture and symbolism for "WORLD PEACE" stand out.


Shortly after this monumental piece was the St. Francis Gardens, what a lovely treat this was, as wildlife just seemed to flock here, no pun intended, as seen below.


There was so much to see, and so little time for us to enjoy it that Colleen, and I will definitely be going back much earlier next time. We can spend the day there, as Colleen enjoys gardening and so do I , but the outdoors is where I truly feel blessed to be, it's good for ones soul, and often recharges ones spirit to get back to nature.

"BOK TOWER GARDENS" , has the market cornered on tranquility that is for sure.


World Class Attraction, listed as a National Historic Landmark, great experience , great food, huge gift shop , there is even "plants for sale" in the "plant shop". This along with it's world class people who do it's daily operations and maintenance of this facility, make this a perfect day away "Harley Riders" must see attraction. We hope you get the opportunity to get out for a nice ride,  and get over to see this spectacular place, go early and stay late, it is very well worth it. Don't forget to mention the "BOK to BIKE" discount, which enables you to get a two for one entry into the park.


More information can be found at:


I hope you've enjoyed the read, and as always , "God Bless" and stay safe out there.


Philip J. Dresko Sr.



Philip Dresko Sr., Colleen Dresko & Cassie Jacoby

All Photos and scripting protected under the PM-Copywriter services, 6-30-2012

Use of this article in national publication and on social media boards  is unauthorized unless requested in writing to it's original subscriber and author.

Philip Dresko Sr.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Blogger clogger?

So I'm still in the process of Setting my article to post on Blogger, and I have a "Feature article with over 18 photos to post , its on my desk top as someone recommended, then I copied and pasted the whole article to the blogger, but the words only cam through, no pictures, now I understood that I might have to go back and put the pictures back in separately , so I tried this as well, and "NOTHING" i was able to browse my desktop retiree the pictures I wanted in the article, I lined them up just right went to transfer them and go "SEVER REJECTED"< whats up with that anyone have a clue?

Thanks , Newbi