Thursday, September 13, 2012

"FIRE"FIRE"FIRE"< Those are not words you want to hear?

"FIRE"FIRE"FIRE" are not words you want to hear from your passenger while out riding but sure enough it happened to me.

You guessed it this mornings ride in got a little freaky when "Puff" burst into flames, not good your thinking?, what do you do if the bike your riding burst into flames?, Well for one you stop doing 65 mph, then you pull over as fast as you can, in the safest area you can, then you put out the bike or loose it.

Well it was really quite crazy we had just got through going into a couple of hard curves which is our typical morning routine, but this morning was a little different, I noticed as my touring lamps on my 2003 FXDL< Low Rider, did the old flicker thing then just plain go out, they didn't come back on either, now that is electrical last time I checked, but sure enough the next thing I know I got Colleen yelling in my ear the Bikes On "FIRE" the Bikes on "FIRE", the bikes on "FIRE", needless to say by the third time I was well stopped and pulled over into the safest place I could find then I checked the bike over head to toe, and found out the reason for the touring lamps to go out was at the connector it broke and the bare wires were touching the frame , making this cool looking blue flame like spark, which made it look as if the bike was actually on "Fire", when in all actuality it was not, it was just the wires sparking against the fame. Needless to say I tucked the wires in the the frame neatly, so as I could fix them when I got back to the house, and I rode on thinking to myself, be a great time to have a small compact fire extinguisher on board just in case, if that thing caught fire we'd be screwed to say the least.  Gonna have to look one of those up ya know? Well I made it back to the nest safely and I'm about to go fix the lighting and a couple of other things that have been bothering me about the bike as of late, as long as my back will hold out which I'm not expecting it to be too long, as the weather today has my back telling me it's time to lay down, but I can't do that I have to fix the bike way to important not to have my baby up and running properly.

In the mean time,

Philip Dresko Sr.
Free Lance Travel Writer

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