Wednesday, September 5, 2012

2 of 12 "LIving in a Tropical Paradise"


Well, Yet another Holiday has come to pass, and with the close of summer comes the hectic time of year for some called , (get the kiddies off to school time), and for those of us who've just sent our last of our little birdies off to start their first years in Collage, well, we too know the pains of this season.

As life flies right past us, we often don't stop to take advantage of the beauty that presents itself daily, but my wife and I are gardeners, and we garden.
The planters at our condo are getting so pretty this time of year with most if not all of our plants being in full bloom, getting ready for the wintertime crunch.
For us though, we can't say we get much of a winter here, it just seems to cool down a bit, mid 70's, during the daytime here, as verse "HOT AND STEAMY" 90's. Also the temps for the over nights go down into the 50's and even worse on some nights we get into the 30's, but we still don't wake up to that white stuff called "SNOW" on the ground, which suits me just fine. 

Lets get back to this time of the year, most people up north call this "FALL" we down here in the South just call it extended "SUMMERTIME". Although, the only catch here is we're still watching out for those hurricanes, while everyone up north is getting ready for winter.

Hurricanes are with us until the very end of November, even though I've yet to see them pop up that late in the year? I have been here long enough to know that even in October the weather here can send you for cover and quick. Once you're out of October though the threat levels for Hurricanes pretty much just fades away.

With the cooler temps here brings us to the next phase of our Holiday season, which isn't one that is celebrated here, it's mostly complained about, by the locals like us, it's called "SNOW BIRD SEASON".
That's where all those folk's from up North who say they "Love the change of seasons" leave the first sign of crappy weather, and levitate their way down here and live amongst us until spring time. The influx of people coming from up there is very noticeable in my area, as we live in a condo complex who caters to those types, and could give a shit less about us locals who stay here all year round. Talk about double standards. 

Don't get me wrong, I'd never in a million years would leave Florida, but you never know for the right $$$ I'd be comfortable anywhere I guess?

So it is with this little piece here, I just want people to know who are coming to Florida, that it's the time to come  and get it all in before the influx of oldsters comes to crap on your holiday.. With the deepest Regret we're entering another "SNOW BIRD SEASON" YUCK! Too many people in this area, too many people who don't pay attention while driving, let alone ask them to watch out for motorcycles, and they are the most impatient people on the planet, "OLDSTERS", it's that age group of folk's in their mid to late 70's, they tend to not think of anyone but themselves at that age, Why? I'll never know? I do know this though, it's only four months of putting up with them, and it's the thoughest thing about living here in Paradise. That being said, I'll survive, would you?

Make It A Great Day Folk's!

Philip Dresko Sr.
Free Lance Travel Writer/Photographer

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