Friday, December 27, 2013

The AMERICAN PARASITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please follow link to this important show it may save your life!

This is very sound research, Watch the video and prove it to yourself!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The "EAGLE" has landed!!!!!!!!!!

THE "EAGLE" has landed!!!!!!!!!!

Yes folk's a lot of what I own as far as my collector items circles around our American heritage, "THE AMERICAN BALD EAGLE", and anyone who knows me , knows that this is my very favorite Bird on the planet. After moving to Florida 17 years ago, I found an even more love for the "EAGLE", as prior to that, I only saw the bird on T.V. , which was great an all, but it was nothing like seeing the bird in it's native habitat.

I can recall seeing the "EAGLE" for the first time while swimming in the pool with my middle boy, the Eagle litterly flew right over us. I could of splashed it with water that's how low it was flying at that time.

Second time I saw the "EAGLE" here in Florida was while my middle boy and I were fishing up on a lake near the house called "LAKE HARRIS". I actually wondered into the fishing grounds of the Eagle and then later found the nesting sight where it was hiding up in the trees. I 've found upon visiting that lake several other times that it was there and there often, although I never saw a baby Eagle, I knew that the nesting sight was a great place to get my fix of sighting the bird.

I'm sure if you look at my "HARLEY" you'll be able to tell just how much I love the Eagle, as my whole bike is decked out in nothing but the Eagles, as well is my riding vest and oh did I mention I belong to the "H.O.G." riding club which our symbol for our patches is the American Eagle.

Gee you can't tell I love the "EAGLE" can you?

The recent photo below is one I enjoy very much, because it marks the time of year where I get to see one almost everyday, reason being is we stay in a huge complex next to a power plant and almost every day this "AMERICAN EAGLE" comes and sits on one of the power poles.

Most people go all their lives without seeing this magnificent bird in the wild , yet here I am blessed to have seen this wonderful bird almost every day down here in Florida. So if your into bird watching and the "AMERICAN BALD EAGLE" is one of your favorite birds such as it is mine, then "FLORIDA" is the place to come see them.
Thanks for reading and do come down and enjoy our wildlife that Florida has to offer.

Monday, October 14, 2013


Take Action: Keep the Focus on Obamacare

As the days of this government "shutdown" continue to pass more and more pressure is mounting for a deal to be made. What we've seen over the last several days is the lack of talk about Obamacare. This is unacceptable and any deal that is made must include relief for the American people from Obamacare.

Tell the Senators below and your Congressman that this fight started because of Obamacare and it CONTINUES because of Obamacare. We're talking about a law that these lawmakers don't even have to live under themselves. A law that is causing the American people to lose their work hours and subsequent wages, lose their jobs, lose their insurance, lose their doctors, and see their insurance premiums rise. All of this after the President promised we could keep our current insurance plan if we liked it, we could keep our doctors if we wanted, and after Nancy Pelosi said we had to "read the bill to find out what is in it."

This law has been a "train wreck" from day one and the elected "Representatives" need to know that the American people won't stand idly by while they force us to live under a law that they won't even live under themselves.

The latest we are hearing is that Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid are sending a deal over to the House that could be considered as early as tomorrow. It is being reported that the deal would include a carve out for Unions as well as the medical device industry, proving yet again that unless you are not represented by a large special interest group, you are stuck bearing the burden.

Make sure you contact them now! The time to stop Obamacare is now before it is too late!

Call, Tweet, Facebook, and email the staffs of these Senators below.
Click to find your Representative so that you can contact them as well.
*Note: The email addresses listed here were gathered from public sources. It is possible that some may not be accurate.*

StateNamePartySocial MediaChief of Staff or PR Email
AKMark BegichD@SenatorBegichChief: David Ramseur
 (202) 224-3004  FacebookPress: Rachel Barinbaum
AKLisa MurkowskiR@lisamurkowskiChief: Edward Hild
 (202) 224-6665  FacebookPress: Matthew Felling
AZJohn McCainR@SenJohnMcCainChief: Pablo Carrillo
 (202) 224-2235  FacebookPress: Brian Rogers
ARMark PryorD@SenMarkPryorChief: Andy York
 (202) 224-2353  FacebookPress: Michael Teague
ARJohn BoozmanR@JohnBoozmanChief: Helen Walker Tolar
 (202) 224-4843  FacebookPress: Sara Lasure
COMark UdallD@MarkUdallChief: Mike Sozan
 (202) 224-5941  FacebookPress: Mike Saccone
GASaxby ChamblissR@SaxbyChamblissChief: Charlie Harman
 (202) 224-3521  FacebookPress: Lauren Claffey
GAJohnny IsaksonR@SenatorIsaksonChief: Chris Carr
 (202) 224-3643  FacebookPress: Lauren Culbertson
ILMark KirkR@SenatorKirkChief: Kate Dickens
 (202) 224-2854  FacebookPress: Lance Trover
INDan CoatsR@SenDanCoatsChief: Dean Hingson
 (202) 224-5623  FacebookPress: Tara Dijulio
IATom HarkinD@SenatorHarkinChief: Brian Ahlberg
 (202) 224-3254  FacebookPress: Kate Frischmann
KYMitch McConnellR@McConnellPressChief: Josh Holmes
 (202) 224-2541  FacebookPress: Don Stewart
LAMary LandrieuD@SenLandrieuChief: Donald Cravins
 (202) 224-5824  FacebookPress: Media
MEAngus KingI@SenAngusKingChief: Kay Rand
 (202) 224-5344  FacebookPress: Crystal Canney
MESusan CollinsR@SenatorCollinsChief: Mary Dietrich
 (202) 224-2523  FacebookPress: Kevin Kelley
MNAl FrankenD@alfrankenChief: Casey Aden-Wansbury
 (202) 224-5641  FacebookPress: Alexandra
MSRoger WickerR@SenatorWickerChief: Michelle Barlow Richardson
 (202) 224-6253  FacebookPress: Ryan Taylor
MSThad CochranR@SenThadCochranChief: T.A. Hawks
 (202) 224-5054  FacebookPress: Chris Gallegos
MOClaire McCaskillD@clairecmcChief: Julie Dwyer
 (202) 224-6154  FacebookPress: John Labombard
MORoy BluntR@RoyBluntChief: Glen Chambers
 (202) 224-5721  FacebookPress: Amber Marchand
MTMax BaucusD@MaxBaucusChief: Paul Wilkins
 (202) 224-2651  FacebookPress: Jennifer Donohue
NEMike JohannsR@Mike_JohannsChief: Terri Moore
 (202) 224-4224  FacebookPress: Nick Simpson
NVDean HellerR@SenDeanHellerChief: Corinne Zakzeski
 (202) 224-6244  FacebookPress: Chandler Smith
NHKelly AyotteR@KellyAyotteChief: John Easton
 (202) 224-3324  FacebookPress: Jeff Grappone
NCKay HaganD@SenatorHaganChief: Mike Harney
 (202) 224-6342  FacebookPress: Mary Hanley
NCRichard BurrR@SenatorBurrChief: Chris Joyner
 (202) 224-3154  FacebookPress: Press
NDJohn HoevenR@SenJohnHoevenChief: Ryan Bernstein
 (202) 224-2551  FacebookPress: Don Canton
OHRob PortmanR@robportmanChief: Rob Lehman
 (202) 224-3353  FacebookPress: Jeffrey Sadosky
OKTom CoburnR@TomCoburnChief: Brian Treat
 (202) 224-5754  FacebookPress: John Hart
SCLindsey GrahamR@LindseyGrahamSCChief: Richard Perry
 (202) 224-5972  FacebookPress: Kevin Bishop
SDJohn ThuneR@SenJohnThuneChief: Ryan Nelson
 (202) 224-2321  FacebookPress: Ashlee Strong
TNLamar AlexanderR@SenAlexanderChief: Ryan Loskarn
 (202) 224-4944  FacebookPress: Jim Jeffries
TNBob CorkerR@SenBobCorkerChief: Todd Womack
 (202) 224-3344  FacebookPress: Laura Herzog
TXJohn CornynR@JohnCornynChief: Beth Jafari
 (202) 224-2934  FacebookPress: Megan Mitchell
UTOrrin HatchR@OrrinHatchChief: Michael Kennedy
 (202) 224-5251  FacebookPress: Matthew Harakal
VTPatrick LeahyD@SenatorLeahyChief: John Dowd
 (202) 224-4242  FacebookPress: David Carle
VAMark WarnerD@MarkWarnerChief: Luke Albee
 (202) 224-2023  FacebookPress: Kevin Hall
VATim KaineD@timkaineChief: Mike Henry
 (202) 224-4024  FacebookPress: Amy Dudley
WVJoe ManchinD@Sen_JoeManchinChief: Mara Boggs
 (202) 224-3954  FacebookPress: Jonathan Kott
WIRon JohnsonR@SenRonJohnsonChief: Tony Blando
 (202) 224-5323  FacebookPress: Melinda Schnell
WYJohn BarrassoR@SenJohnBarrassoChief: Dan Kunsman
 (202) 224-6441  FacebookPress: Emily Lawrimore
Thank you!
Tea Party Patriots National Support Team

PS. Did you know that with your help, over the last two weeks we have connected over 1 million calls into Congressional offices? Keep up the good work! You can help us continue the fight by giving a generous donation today!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Obama Shuts down our Christian Values for the second week in a row!

Dear Philip,

President Obama continues to hold our troops' religious liberties hostage during the partial government shutdown.

And for the second week in a row, members of America's armed forces who rely on contracted clergy and priests are barred from services this Sunday.

Like you, I've been hearing nightmares about how the Obama administration has been purposely targeting members of the military to score political points in the media.

Just yesterday, I was told that sailors stationed at a submarine base in Georgia were forbidden to hold mass on base as the priest contracted to serve them was chained out of the base's chapel.

Even though the chaplain would've gladly volunteered his services without pay!

But while our soldiers, sailors, and Marines suffer, Obama and his cronies receive special treatment to use federal property for things like pro-immigration political theater.

It makes me sick.

We cannot allow Obama and his radical cronies to trample our rights and abuse our brave military.

That's why I hope you'll read my important message below and sign your petition to demand Congress step up to defend our religious liberties.

And after you've signed, I hope you'll consider chipping in $5 or $10 to help fund Public Advocate's efforts on behalf of defending religious freedom from the daily assault of Obama's political agenda.

Thank you.

For the Family,

President, Public Advocate of the United States

Thursday, October 10, 2013

PRESIDENT "OBAMA" say's my way or the highway? WHAT?

Rand Paul for Senate 2016

Dear Philip,

President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid shut down the government rather than budge one inch on the ObamaCare train wreck.

Their scheme to "win" the shutdown battle is to inflict pain on Americans by barricading war memorials and national parks.

In fact, the administration sent more security guards to block access to the World War II Memorial than they did to guard our consulate in Benghazi!

And while the Republican House has passed bills to pay our veterans and reopen our war memorials and national parks, Senator Reid has blocked every single one of them from coming up for a vote.

Philip, I'm outraged that President Obama and Senator Reid are employing a strategy of pain for the price of victory in their fight to impose ObamaCare no questions asked.

I need your help to send a clear message to the House of Representatives that you are demanding Congress not cave-in to President Obama and Senator Reid's demands for 100% funding for ObamaCare.

Click to

That's why I need your help right away to turn up the heat on your representative to stand strong in the fight to defund ObamaCare.

Opponents of ObamaCare must try to stop having it both ways – and stop being afraid of their own shadows.

Instead of trying to appear like they’re fighting, why don’t they actually fight?

If you agree, won’t you please sign your NO FUNDING FOR OBAMACARE Petition IMMEDIATELY?

Click to sign

With public outrage building against ObamaCare, now is the time you and I CAN force change.

Calls for delay or outright repeal of this law are coming from places you’d never expect – including from organized labor.

The Washington Post reported not long ago that even two-thirds of Democrats believe ObamaCare is all cost and no benefit.

85% of independents agree.

In fact, over the past few weeks - just as I've predicted - more and more mainstream news outlets are saying "ObamaCare is a prescription for a Democratic headache in 2014."

So in the face of numbers like these, will Congress continue to carry water for this failed policy?

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of seeing politicians roll over for President Obama’s job-killing agenda.

The American public's overwhelming opposition to ObamaCare hasn't changed in the three years since President Obama twisted arms and Senate rules to RAM his healthcare takeover into law.

I'm committed to fighting until the day ObamaCare is taken off the books.

I'm confident - with your help - that's a day we can soon realize.

But you and I must prove that we're DEAD serious about winning this fight.

And that means sending a loud and clear signal to my colleagues in Congress to stand strong against President Obama and Senator Reid's demands to fund ObamaCare 100%.

So won't you please stand with me by signing your No Funding for ObamaCare petition TODAY?

Click to sign

I hope you will.

And if you can, please agree to a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, or $35.

If that is too much, please chip in a contribution of $25 or $10.

Your generosity will help me turn the American people's overwhelming opposition to ObamaCare into an overwhelming political FORCE Washington, D.C. can't ignore.

Through petitions, phone calls, emails, and more, you and I can put enough grassroots pressure on Congress to force my colleagues to take up the fight to defund ObamaCare.

But I'm counting on you to take action IMMEDIATELY.

So please sign your NO FUNDING FOR OBAMACARE Petition.

And if you can, please agree to a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50,  or $35 – or even $10 or $20 – TODAY.

In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul

P.S. President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid shut down the federal government rather than budge one inch on the ObamaCare train wreck.

I need your help to send a clear message to Congress to stand strong against President Obama and Senator Reid's demands for 100% ObamaCare funding right away!

With the Republican Controlled House of Representatives scheduled to vote on a continuing resolution that defunds ObamaCare, I hope I can count on you to take action right away.

So won't you please stand with me by signing your NO FUNDING FOR OBAMACARE Petition IMMEDIATELY and agree to your most generous contribution of $250, $150, $50,  or $35.

If that is too much for you to afford, please chip in a contribution of $25 or $10 at once.

Click to sign