Friday, June 5, 2015

SO it's Half way over already what is your summertime plans????(2015)

To most of us, JUNE offers many a thing, we go vacationing, get out of school, take long breaks in the summer sun, catch up with Family, try and relax.

That is just for some of us, the rest of us nut jobs, keep plugging away at life just trying to survive.

Myself,  I use the month of June, as a reminder of where I 'd like to be with my year.
 I always set lofty goals in January and by June I like to check if I'm on track with my aspirations in life.
 So far this year I'm right on point.
 My point is this, rather than let another year just slip by you, how about you start planning your life as well? The fly by the seat of your life plan not working out for you as it played out for me the same? now take it from this old road dog, get a Plan and stick to it!
Use friends and cohorts to keep you inline and on  track, and you too can beat the addictions in life, as well. (STAY AWAY FROM BIG PHARMA) they are trying to kill you............ Go NATURAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Proudly Support the Legalize and medicate act in Florida!   Lets make Florida the New Bud state! 12 month Grow season we've got it dicked here, now all's you dam fool's have to do is VOTE to legalize it already!  Get off your asses people VOTE to Legalize WEED>>> It's a Fucking Plant get over it!