Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Prayers sought forour Grandson Carter M. Unger as he was born yesterday with a slight heart defect one which we are praying for a great outcome if surgery is required.

Starting your week with the birth of now our fourth grandchild, was a heck of a starter. 
His name Carter M. Unger and he's a little cutie, his mom is doing well and this little guy is holding his own with help of prayers from complete strangers and Family alike. Carter although healthy birth-weight and of healthy features, was born with a slight heart problem which is now got all of us concerned as this is the first of our Grandchildren born with these types of problems all which we know in God's hands will be final. We are, especially me, are just asking that if your out there on the web, and you believe in the power of prayer such as I do, I ask you pray for our new little guy, Carter M. Unger, that he heals fast and catches up to his siblings in no time as I'm sure they'll be eager to play with their baby brother.
Thank you so much in advance.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

September and summer draws to a close for some.

September and summer draws to a close for some folk's, "Up North Ways", most certainly , but not here in South Florida.

Now it's our( SOUTH FLORIDIANS) time of year to experience what we locals down here call, "SNOW BIRD" season, yes I touch on this every year, as it makes it tough for us the locals to have such a huge influx of people from all over the place come to our area all at once or so it seems.

What they bring with them is a lot of things, mostly bad driving habits which quite frankly piss me off . By this I mean it would seem that no one up north knows what the heck a turn signal is, worse they cut lanes like no tomorrow which means they just barge right in without checking the lane first, then to top it all off my absolute favorite is I'm driving 25 miles under the speed limit because I'm trying to find(???) Whatever the heck? and they are in a 50 mph zone. 

The true craziness about this time of year is I operate a motorcycle , yes I'm one of those go figure, but hey we all must retire and live our lives some day, well it's my someday so there.

My only thoughts I have for everyone this time of year, as we all are here and all have to co-exist together, just be "SAFE", Don't drink and drive, Stay off the Damn phone, if you miss a turn go back don't jam on the dam brakes and think you're still gonna make the turn, and please whatever you do start and always use your turn signals as we are not mind readers out here, and pretty please I'm begging you, "WATCH OUT FOR MOTORCYCLES", as we have a right to the road just like you do......

Monday, November 30, 2015

Q4, Are you ready?

Well here it is the end of November and the almost end to yet another exciting year in the Markets and World wide.

I'd love to re-cap what 2015 has meant to me thus far , but in so many ways it can be summed up in one word. (GODLY).

This year past for me has been unbelievable.

1.)  1 year anniversary of the passing of the (MONSTER) otherwise known as the (SPERM DONOR)/Father he never was. I truly don't miss him.

2.) Finding out my ex- girlfriend killed herself by drinking herself to death and using crack.

3.) Finding the "GIRL OF MY DREAMS" right under my nose the whole time.
I love you Colleen M. Dresko, Always have and always will. Thank you for being with me still even after saving all that money on a head shrinker. Those four days of nothing but us and great conversation healed us. Thank you.

4.) Coming to realize that being disabled can be manageable without Big Pharma. Mother Nature helps in a big way though. Sure wish Florida would get off it's ass and legalize it already, it's a Fucking Plant get over it?

5.) Surprising my Doctors with being here for yet another Birthday. (PRICELESS) (FOOLS)

6.) Coming to the harsh reality that Yard maintenance is (OUT)(SAD BUT TRUE), can no longer cut grass and edge and weed wack, Back is totally out now. Just happy to get out of Bed still on a good day.

7.) Being thankful for what Family I have Left.

8.) Caving in and getting a (DOG).. Totally didn't see that coming?

9.) Rescuing a CAT. who now resides with us (Welcome SugarCat).

10.) Enjoying all the wonders of Nature whilst I can still see. Sunrises and sunsets and South Florida in general, what a beautiful place.

OK, so those are my Top 10 unbelievable year things that came my way, How about yours?

This years almost Gone what's in store for the rest of you're year? Spill it here:

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Current world views and issues coming to the forefront, leads me to this.( Possible Book outlining the cruelties of Alcohol and drug abuse)


TRYING TO RAISE CAPITAL FOR THIS PUBLICATION: Let's Help put a stop to ABUSE> Violance against children should be Stopped and replaced by LOVE>those of you raising your children now, please, re-think hitting your children for punishment, it leads to nothing good in their future trust me I lived it now I'm paying for it.

This book walks you though a true life story of amazing abilities to survive and thrive even after living under such Fear of the Next Attack from the MONSTER.

This book and it's title belongs solely to (Philip J. Dresko Sr. ) and his immediate Family, all rights are reserved. No one has the rights to copy and or use any of the scripted materials on my page or from my writings. Express written consent will be permitted on a case by case basis, pending on scripting. No one has the rights to my pictures and or publications and briefs. This Blog and all it's content belong to (Philip Dresko Sr.). no exceptions.

The above referenced book title is that of my own "LIFE'S" re-cap of event's that took place on a daily basis,all while growing up as a youth, and dealing with an abusive alcoholic, drug addict , father. Who, dead now, still ranks in my book as the biggest (MONSTER) that ever terrorized me for the better part of 15 years before I finally had enough and took life and the circumstance into my own hands, got smart and did something about it.

This is a TRUE, life events story, and not very many people who read and have read the better part of the book I have completed, all tell me to go ahead and finish writing the rest of you're story down, we all want to know what happened next? did you kill the monster???

Needless to say I didn't kill the monster(SPOILER ALERT) but, I did put him to death, with strength, courage, the ability to out think it and him, and safely after many painful years of torment and what felt like UN- ending daily torture, I live my life having to know I overcame my Monster and now only worry about becoming one myself.

For transcripts of this book when completed, please feel free to drop me a line and I'll do my best to provide you with either a paperback copy of the works, and or a digital copy once it's ready to be released for a small fee, so as to cover shipping printing or publication of said book.

Further interests on  the Physical effects of Drug and Alcohol abuse on children who are forced to raise themselves in an atmosphere of pure turmoil and fear, contact me directly.
I'm living proof you can defeat the MONSTER!

Support for this book and for sponsorship involvement contact the offices of :

"Scene's from the Seat"
In writing at:

C/O: P. Dresko Sr. 

Thank you for caring and as always STOP ABUSE, before it stops a youth.
AWARENESS  IS KEY< suss out the Monster before they strike again.

Current sponsor's for this book :

1.) Fallen Riders Memorial Fund, Ohio Chapter, Sponsor Chris Nice, Club Pres.

2.) Florida's East Coast B.A.C.A. Chapter:
Palm Beach, Bikers against Child abuse. Freddy (WHEELS) Pitmen.

3.) Loftis Investment Properties: Jeanie and Chris Loftis Lake County Fl.

Friday, June 5, 2015

SO it's Half way over already what is your summertime plans????(2015)

To most of us, JUNE offers many a thing, we go vacationing, get out of school, take long breaks in the summer sun, catch up with Family, try and relax.

That is just for some of us, the rest of us nut jobs, keep plugging away at life just trying to survive.

Myself,  I use the month of June, as a reminder of where I 'd like to be with my year.
 I always set lofty goals in January and by June I like to check if I'm on track with my aspirations in life.
 So far this year I'm right on point.
 My point is this, rather than let another year just slip by you, how about you start planning your life as well? The fly by the seat of your life plan not working out for you as it played out for me the same? now take it from this old road dog, get a Plan and stick to it!
Use friends and cohorts to keep you inline and on  track, and you too can beat the addictions in life, as well. (STAY AWAY FROM BIG PHARMA) they are trying to kill you............ Go NATURAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Proudly Support the Legalize and medicate act in Florida!   Lets make Florida the New Bud state! 12 month Grow season we've got it dicked here, now all's you dam fool's have to do is VOTE to legalize it already!  Get off your asses people VOTE to Legalize WEED>>> It's a Fucking Plant get over it!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Hemp oil? Cure for Cancer? you watch you decide?


So is "BIG PHARMA" on the hook finally? Maybe,  just maybe, people have finally woke up to a "PLANT" that for the better part of time was used for it's medical uses, but was criminalized in order to protect the interests of Big Pharma and the Paper companies of the day!

If this video  does not wake you up to the reality that Mother Nature has a cure all for everything, then go crawl back under that rock you've been living under and re close your mind , as you don't deserve to breathe my Air.

PLEASE CHIME IN! then write your Government and lets get this Drug that mother nature has provided us, back into the general Public where it belongs!

Thank you for your support!
